Does registering a domain mean I can publish my site right away?

Not just yet, but you're almost there. When you buy a domain you have the sole rights to that name for as long as you registered it for.

However, there's a difference between registering a domain and having a site published on the internet. The next step is to get a hosting account with us to store the pages you want to publish on our server and make them available to the Internet.
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Can I access my domain address with or without the "www"?

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Can I change my domain name after its purchase?

No, sorry. That's the nature of domain registration. Once you have registered (purchased) a...

Can I have multiple domains pointing to the front page of my site?

Yes, you can have as many domain names pointing to the front page of your account as you like....

Do you host International domain names?

Yes, we do host international domain names. All you need to do is to register the domain name...

Do you support IDN domains and host them?

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